Saturday, March 27, 2010

Macbook Vinyl Decals

il_fullxfull.112344382 MacBookPro_SonOfMan_marked.jpg sonofman image by cooldolt ET Decal for MacBook vinyl sticker

Bookmark Idea

Bookmark Design Concept of the Day: Lee Hyeon Joo’s award-winning “Page Chaser” is nothing short of a revolution in bookmarking technology: A flexible strip “designed to follow the pages as the user flips them.” No more fumbling for a piece of paper every time you need to save your place; the Page Chaser stays put, eliminating the risk of loss, and making sure you always know where you’re supposed to be. [yanko.]

Bookmark Design Concept of the Day: Lee Hyeon Joo’s award-winning “Page Chaser” is nothing short of a revolution in bookmarking technology: A flexible strip “designed to follow the pages as the user flips them.” No more fumbling for a piece of paper every time you need to save your place; the Page Chaser stays put, eliminating the risk of loss, and making sure you always know where you’re supposed to be.


Lady Gaga Steak

Pie Chart of the Day: “[T]his makes no sense, because people usually like their steak only one way. You can’t make a graph from something that has only one answer. The only explanation for the graph is that this gaga person must have multiple personalities.” Yup. [graphjam.]

The Proper Camera Bag

Love is Rare

Get / in European store

Wall Photoshop Pallete

photoshop wall bar 1photoshop wall bar 2
You can order the Wall Bar at Meninos for $70 (USD). Blasphemers who can’t bear to look at such crude tools can settle for the Photoshop and Illustrator magnets instead.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Innovative Printing Concept

Life-Altering UPC Design Concept of the Day: The Fresh Code is a relatively straightforward idea: As the freshness of the fruit/vegetable wanes, its barcode fades, creating a foolproof freshness indicator. There’s no accounting for unethical shenanigans — such as placing a Fresh Code on rotten produce — but the invention itself is still A+. [ubergizmo / @alexmleo.]

Life-Altering UPC Design Concept of the Day: The Fresh Code is a relatively straightforward idea: As the freshness of the fruit/vegetable wanes, its barcode fades, creating a foolproof freshness indicator.

Sweet Ad Campaign and Packaging!

"Amazing Ad Campaign of the Day: To creatively demonstrate their sound engineering capabilities, GGRP Sound sent out a mess of cardboard record players — designed by GREY of Canada — to creative directors across North America.

The cardboard record player is exactly what it sounds like: A record player made from corrugated cardboard:

"Once assembled, a record can be spun on the player with a pencil. The vibrations go through the needle and are amplified in the cardboard material."

I don’t know much, but I do know this: Every single last record should come wrapped inside a cardboard record player.


WTD Stand Outs

WTD 931

WTD 174

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

T-Shirt of the Day

FMLs of the Week

Today, it's the third anniversary of when I started looking for a new job. I'm still working at the job that made me want to get a new one and I haven't even had an interview for another one in almost two years. My Master's degree on the wall is looking more and more like a roll of toilet paper. FML

Today, my boyfriend dumped me because apparently I don't appreciate how he's different from other guys. I only told him that showering once a month was not normal. FML

Today, I woke up in pajamas I have never seen before. Usually, I sleep naked, and I live alone in a locked apartment. Then, the elderly woman next door asked for her nightgown back. Apparently, I sleep-walked and knocked on all the doors in my hallway repeatedly. I'm moving. FML

Today, I spent 2 hours doing my hair, doing my make-up, and picking out an outfit to meet some men. On chatroulette. FML

Today, I lost my phone. I tried to call it using my husband's phone, but couldn't figure out which of the three Kates in the contact list was me. Turns out, two are co-workers and one is his aunt. I was listed under Satan. FML

Wednesday, March 10, 2010